social and culture based assets
TL;RD : if you want to create something ask yourself one question : if other people already wants it . people don׳t know what they want . they want what other people want .memes are related to everything .
Examples for different types of new assets/different types of memes that based on cultural beliefs.
In this article i have summarized different types of assets or businesses that you can build from memes and tried to bring some more general definition to what is meme
Types of systems that does it :
- Content curation
- Meme market
- Decentralized bands
- Personal attention tokens
Definitions of meme
Meme — thats which is imitated [ cultural evolution build on replication of cultural pieces of info called meme ]
Meme -” information with attitude “Dan Dennett
“imitation is the fundamental mechanism of human behavior.”René Girard
mimetic desire- every desire is mimetic desire — we want something because other who are serve as a model wants it .
What people imitate? : some things more easy to imitate — song for example — because its creates harmony, some stuff like the same female or male don’t create harmony .
— what people want ?
We dont know what we want , people learn what they want from other people . the problem is that if the desired meme is scarce people can fight over it .
Who we are imitating :
- Best friends
Another pattern that come again in lots of societies :violence and focus on destruction
collective violence — because only one man can be king , most people find similarities in focusing their desires in the destruction of a picked scapegoat and he will be their meme ! . every in group mainly focus on the desire of destruction of other in group or person .the victim of a mob is always innocent, and collective violence is unjust.
Like desire converge against the same object , violence converge around the same victim , its unites the group .
Another definition of memes by rene girard:
people don’t fight over their differences. They fight because they are the same, and they want the same things. Not because they need the same things (food, sex, scarce material goods), but because they want what will earn others’ envy.
Humans, with a planning intelligence that sets them apart from all other animals, are free to choose. With freedom comes risk and uncertainty: humans don’t know in advance what to choose, so they look to others for cues. People can desire anything, as long as other people seem to desire it, too: that is the meaning of Girard’s concept of “mimetic desire.” Since people tend toward the same objects of desire, jealousy and rivalry are inevitable sources of social tension — and perfect themes for the great novelists.
Whats in the basis of all that ?
- the purpose is to create systems that show the value of stuff that we give value to but dont represented today .(market if rare memes)
- A successful person is — a person who attract lots of attention — lots of people listen what he says .
I do also believe that in order to unlock *new* value in a new world where the idea of jobs and “earning a living” will disappear due to automation, we need to think differently about what we unlock. Simply doing shares in a person + allowing said shareholders to receive dividend from personal income seems like solving the problem with old-school thinking.
What im trying to create :
A useful network with multiple self interested agents reliant on data structure to foster cooperation between agents in equilibrium
What is the problem its solves :
Seeing a meme take off that you CREATED as part of the co-creation process makes you feel better and more connected to the group, because it’s like creating an inside joke within your group of friends and it seeing it sticking.
- Collectable is a great way to bond groups together
Questions to ask in every network:
- What is the main activity in the network -
- What people are getting compensated for
- What is the scarce resource .
- What is the incentive of each party to be participate
- What people are doing with this scarce resource
What other useful systems we can build that works on the same basics:
Example 1: curation system for content
A old news system:
The main asset: news .
Actors :
-content writers
-editors — structure the writer raw data
-printers- the news site itself
Readers\attention payer- people that invest time for reading
Publishers — pay for putting ads in the paper
How blockchain can change the game : the advertiser is out
Paying to the content creator-like steemit
Paying to signal generator -
There is a lot of data and no one have time to read , people who make the screen for you should get the money.
In twitter what is the ecosystem looks like:
the main asset :content\posts , money is not involved but the people .
The actors are :
Content writers- who write posts
Signal creator- retweet or like and their value is to the post writer while doing it and to the rest of the writes.
Description of a signal generator network
The scarce resource : attention
People getting compensated for : telling what is worth reading
Who is paying — advertisers
- The signal generator — tell people about the importance of content in the web by rank it and then get rewarded .
- The signal generator pay for partipitating — its cost money to be a curator .
They invest money to buy tokens , they lock the tokens .
They can make money buy charging advertisers for signals :
Reward for the people who like and share and measure their performance :
The structure of signal generator network:
- Good signal
- More people follow the signal
- Higher value for advertisers
- More money for signal generator
- More peole want to be signal generator and buy and lock tokens
Examples :
Example 2:personal attention tokens :
The strength of 2013 coins as currency is its ability to kickstart and sustain a network effect (big or small). Having stronger concepts (and backing), allows it to sustain and continue to have value.
What people want is to be part of the network affect that this peron will create .
The more network affect the more money it worth .
you’ll generate a network effect and your net worth will grow as a result of it.
We all part of a network :we get rewarded for influence other networks
We all function as part of network — our family part of a company via holding of shares etc..
and we can affect the value of this network by increasing its popularity — for todays example by promoting a stocks after buying it.
The network you have the most ability to influence is your own . and the value today reflects with the companies you are creating .
How will it work:
Option 1:
coupons are bought and paid for to the person. Coupons are expensed to add tasks & upvote tasks. The outside world signals to the person what they should be spending their time on. If the person complies, more people will buy coupons for their gain.
For example, imagine that Vitalik Buterin (#vitalikbuterin), inventor of Ethereum, with the following tasks:
231 upvotes — Research Casper & implement PoS.
201 upvotes — Check this funny doge meme and tweet about it!
131 upvotes — Donate your money to longevity research.
If you think someone’s attention will be valuable in the future, you can buy coupons now to use later, or sell later.
PABs accrue in value if:
1) the attention of the persona is valuable.
2) the persona gives good feedback on the content its bondholders want it to see.
3) the persona would sometimes use their extended social network to distribute some of the content (reposting content on Twitter or Facebook).
Over time, the persona can issue different kinds of PABs. For example:
- PABs with higher coupon rate accrual (more votes per dormancy)
- PABs related to specific content (not generic attention)
- Economies of scale: Locking more PABs together yields higher voting coupons.
- Perpetual issuance PABs (automatically new bonds up for auction every week).
An implementation of a sample generic PAB:
If one buys 1 PAB and provably hold it dormant for a week, one accrues 1 voting coupon.
10 PABs for 1 week and one accrues 10 voting coupons.
Each collection of PABs need to be locked in its own state. If one acquires new PABs whilst others are minting voting coupons, one has to unlock them, and relock them together.
The voting coupons can also be traded. Once spent, they are destroyed.
Example 3:meme market :
Understanding others through a cultural meme is sort like a proof-of-work for connection. If I like something, and someone else likes it as well, it speaks to what has happened in our life and the roads we unknowingly shared to be able to come together and appreciate that meme .
The memes suppose to be worth like people — as much as network effect that they have .
There are already popular ideas that anyone can own , and when others are buying this cards its make them the same ingroup people .
Certain ideas that some people called culture or religion hijake people brain- there is not a lot that we can do with that , what we can do is to give them a way to represent this ideas to the world with money .
Based on mimetic desire theory — people dont want what they want , they want what others want , and they want what will make other people jealous,there are stuff that is easy to know that are desired by lots of people .
Most of the people find meaning in something — and they can dei for this principles
What is the value of such a market :
So this system should have 3 elements :
- It should allow anyone to create their own cryptographic tokens representing any kind of information imagina
- Bit should have a decentralized exchange
- A way to measure the network effect — meme curation market (who is more popular)le
The problem : after there is a lot of memes that were created — what the user can do with that ?
- Collect it -create a collection and dominant this meme — if someone want to have it to himself he will have to buy it from is a specific example.
Examples of meme markets :
- —
- -example for a meme market around the subreddit ethtrader
Example for valuable assets based on memes :
- Dogcoin
References :
How collectible help to form groups
History and origins of memes (ted)
People to speak with and refferences :
- Meher roy
- Shmuel zamir — game theory researcher
- Ned scott — media tokens
- Maciej olpinski — built userfeeds and trying to create userfeed — content discovery apps based on economic ranking factors, also talks about google pagerank
- Michael h goldhaber- writes on attention scarcity , journalist
- Simon de la Rouviere- meme econome which is assets arounds memes
- Jaron lanier — talk about data that people create and dont get compensated for
- Rory oreilly -gifs and blockchain