An open letter for the creation of a objective, bounty based foundation for secure open source web 3.0 industry tools
twitting vitalik today :
“I just had another person ask me if Casper and sharding will be a new coin and if so will there be an ICO. This makes me cry.”
the reason those stuff happening is because there is no other incentive for the developers of such a protocol to make them work and make them successful , here is a proposal for such an incentive plan.
My name is Yonatan ,founder of matchpool project. I’m involved in the crypto industry for about 5 years and have watched Ethereum closely from the get-go. I still remember asking Steffan Tual questions about the white-paper back in 2014.
Three years later, I’m still a huge fan but also a bit disappointed.
The industry as a whole is very well funded and I think there could be much more brilliant brains involved in this space and hence, many more technological achievements and tools for the community.
one of the reason for that is that there is not good enough incentive mechanism for decentralized developemenr besides ico and the problem with ico is that you have to have a token attached to your software — i have a proposal for an alternative .
this is a way to accelerate the development phase and enhance the infrastructure tools to support the decentralized Web 3.0 vision.
A bounty based objective foundation establishment :
My idea is as following :
Step 1 : Collect 1–6% from each of the successful project’s funding that are interested in establishing the foundation.
matchpool is going to donate to this foundation 150k usd .
Step 2 : Vote on a certain number of big challenges or tools that the industry needs to have ( for example — key management service \ a secure multi-sig wallet \ security audits).
Step 3: Announcing 10–15 big bounties and spread it among all the computer science departments across the world via a bounty website like or other services.
Step 4 : Deciding on the winners of each of the the bounty programs via a panel of technical industry leaders and judges.
The change it will make in the industry :
I believe that after doing this — the decentralized space and development will be much more mature and will step up to a new levels of developments as more minds will join the journey and provide everyone with secure, open source contacts and tools.
I believe we must make this program happen if we want to overcome the birth pains the industry experiencing now and going forward towards mainstream adoption. One step closer to a decentralized and free internet.
join the effort :
you are welcome to join us and be part of this effort and to build a secure , mature and established decentralized future together .
thanks for reading